
Pedagogicals concepts

Our Educational Concepts combine several systems of the range in sets with a high technological content.

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Unité de production de savon avec cellule robotisée de conditionnement

<p>Cette ligne industrielle de production int&egrave;gre, depuis la cr&eacute;ation jusqu&rsquo;&agrave; l&rsquo;exp&eacute;dition de produits d&rsquo;usage courant, des techniques de fabrication usuelles et met notamment en &oelig;uvre de la gestion de production, de la supervision et de la maintenance industrielle.</p>

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Modular and scalable automated recycling line, with production of briquettes.

<p>The RECYCLICC recycling line transforms common waste (wood, paper, cardboard) into combustible briquettes. It includes three independent basic systems: a twin-rotor crusher (DECHIQUETICC), an inclined conveyor, a briquette press (BRIQUETICC). This assembly uses the usual industrial energies: electromechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic. The baseline and its options allow the implementation of many maintenance activities.</p>

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Industrial line, multi-technological and multi-disciplinary, for the production of soap bars.

<p>The SAVONICC line is industrial by nature. It integrates all stages of production, from the creation of a product to its packaging. The line includes 3 to 6 transformer stations and combines recent technologies and techniques, in terms of SCADA, production management and maintenance.</p>

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Scalable production and packaging line, integrating Industry 4.0 technologies.

<p>This version integrates the SAVONICC production line coupled with a liquid bottling machine. They are followed by a discreet packaging unit by collaborative robot.</p>

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Scalable production and packaging line, integrating Industry 4.0 technologies.

<p>This version integrates the SAVONICC production line, followed by a collective packaging machine, a batch-packaging robotic unit, a discrete packaging unit by collaborative robot and an individual &#39;&#39; flowpack &#39;&#39; packaging machine with thermal transfer printing.</p>

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Scalable production and packaging line, integrating Industry 4.0 technologies.

<p>This version integrates the SAVONICC production line, followed by a collective packaging machine and a batch packaging robotic unit.</p>

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Scalable production and packaging line, integrating Industry 4.0 technologies.

<p>This version integrates the SAVONICC production line, completed with a collective packaging machine and a palletizer.</p>